Soulja Boy and his Fake Sidekick LX XBOX 360 Limited Edition

souljaboy sidekick lx xbox 360 fake limited edition

Want a Limited Edition Sidekick LX? If you’re Soulja Boy it’s as easy as this:
Step 1: Get a Sidekick LX
Step 2: Show off your big LCD TVs so everyone thinks you’re cool enough to get Limited Edition stuff
Step 3: Get your Sidekick repainted by Colorware or snag a new Lens Frame.
Step 4: Jump on and grab the Sidekick LX XBOX 360 Theme
Step 5: Go into the Catalog and download Resident Evil for $6.99
Step 6: Make a video about how you’re the only one who has this and post it to the internets!

Nice try Soulja Boy, we’re on to you. A Soulja Boy Limited Edition Sidekick LX would have been better. Maybe you should stop trying to punk people and start working on your music so you don’t stay a 1-hit wonder. Hopefully you realize how much easier (and more convincing) this would have been with a Sidekick 2008 and a custom made XBOX 360 shell.

If you follow the above steps, please let us know which “Limited Edition” you’re faking and where the video is. If you want to see Soulja Boy’s video, check it out here or below:

Via GamerTagRadioBury it on Digg

77 Responses to “Soulja Boy and his Fake Sidekick LX XBOX 360 Limited Edition”

  1. JayDub Says:

    LanceVance on August 26, 2008 at 2:51 pm said:

    Dang JayDub, you bustin a vessel too. I think you just on SouljaBoy sack to be hionest witchu lol. We feel appauled that he did that, we got the right to bust a vein

    See here’s where you’re wrong, aint a muthafucka this way hang on a damn thing. Its a difference from kissing somebody ass and calling out haters. As you can see, I didn’t even give my damn opinion on Soulja Boy. I could hate his music too for all you know.

    My comment was directed to the unnecessary hating ass people. Probably just mad that they do stupid shit 24/7 and don’t get publicity off of it. All I’m saying let him do him. He aint worried about shyt you doing but yall wanna kill him just cause he made a video.

    Go out make you a damn song, make some damn money, occupy yourself so you won’t waste your time hating on people who are. He might be a one-hit wonder, but yall hatin ass mofos keeping his name relevant.

  2. justin siebert Says:

    you guys r fucking idiots go to his website
    look at the video called my new new sidekick and then u dumbfuck will realize to find out more information before u start talking all this shit..because u obviously have no life sitting here bashing the dude because he made a video to fuck with people like most of you sidekick HARDCORE Fans, that alll u do is have the sidekick revolve around your life..


  3. breezy Says:

    ii thiink thatss onee thee most qayesst thiinqss hee ever diid ii wass actually lookiinq upp xbox siidekiickss yoo. andd iit was no match until ii saw this and ii found ouht hhee can just qet iit painted whiitee and qo to ( free siitee ) and qet xbox theme and thee sound effectss. ii lovee soulja boy and hiis musiic iis sometiimess wack but oveerall really catchy and what hiphop needs ( you haterss need to fall back cuss yall sucksss ) but soulja boy iif you readiinqq diis you really proveed how iimaturee you are and stupiid you aree to actually act liikee you thee real niiqquh who can qet thesee thiinqqss when ii can and ii dontt even havee millionss liikee you. dontt bb a loserr !

  4. ChynaDoll Says:

    “Hi Haters”!
    Stop hating on Soulja Boy & he is definitely not a 1 hit wonder. Ur entitled to your own opinion but until the music industry dub him a 1 hit wonder STOP HATiNG. So he’s whack for being different? I’m pretty sure HALF of you wish u were creative enough to think of doing what he did.
    “Bye Haters”!

  5. lol Says:

    i think this is funny i do not like soulja boy at all he suks at singing period nd for all da pplz who talksz like da dis stfu u speak fking broken english go learn it then type it nd wow lol im not “haten” on him either but he is a one hit wonder he made like 4 songs nd none of them make sense nd his one hit song crank that lasted for about 2 weeks nd alough he did make a lot of money off that song nd he was a pretty good amount of money in the bank its still anoyying to hear him sing broken english non-sense songs nd ppl actually put them on the radio

  6. JayDub Says:

    you talking about somebody singing in broken english, you’re too damn lazy to put a fuckin “a” in “and”. And if I’m not mistaken, I have seen not one period in your whole damn post. I don’t usually get on people about stupid stuff, but you’re criticizing him and you’re not even on your game.

    And I bet for those whole 2 weeks you was all in.

  7. justin Says:

    ya all r haterz!

  8. LOLWUT Says:


  9. Judge Sityoassdownchild Says:

    Ok, seriously, be honest, besides making music which serious artist call trash,(calling it out how the real ones either said it or think it). Yeah it’s cool & good he getting his own money, in his own way. But the man aint doing nothing he aint paying are gas+light bill or rent. Just taking up time on the wonderful tubed screens. No body’s hating on him, we are simply calling out and lashing out to what annoyed us. The fact of matter is we work for our money$ which we used to buy & pay for are sidekick for someone anyone at that to claim to have a limited edition sidekick etc. Idk about ya’ll but I get annoyed when anyone does that. Any true sidekick user will agree. Some with real jordans and fakes.

    He didn’t do anything wrong, but in a legal disclaimer tmobile can infact make him superbroke.

    And your supporters are seriously gettinq off pop a pill not like he literally cares about ya.

    P.s. I agree some ya’ll need to go back to school and adjust ya’ll grammer lol.

  10. aaron Says:

    Soulija Slap Hard,His Music Aint Gotta Rhyme He Make Dance Music Not Music too shot and kill, he a teenager why hate,he makin money I want, shit put me in his shoes ill be his ass and that one hit wonder if you say so. 13million units moved on one song and that’s just ringtones

  11. Manny Says:

    Wow that’s awesome! Tomorrow I’m getting this Limited Edition Sega Genesis Sidekick 2008. It’s rad, it has Sonic the Hedgehog (6 zones divided into 2 games) has a Sonic the Hedgehog theme, and it comes in black just the the Sega, Pretty impressive huh?

  12. Vic Says:

    yall hate so bad wtf get over it he has a white LX and yall dont

  13. anonymous Says:

    Vic on September 14, 2008 at 7:17 pm said:

    yall hate so bad wtf get over it he has a white LX and yall dont

    why would you WANT one? That, and ANYONE could just go and get the colored shells (NOT armor) for the LX. This is indeed a stupid subject, as well as Soulja Boy, any of his supporters, or any other illiterate “gangstah” disgracing humankind. And for everyone flaming, if you respond to this message, it just PROVES how STUPID you all are

  14. dude Says:

    tweetylover on August 27, 2008 at 11:06 am said:

    dude on August 25, 2008 at 5:11 pm said:

    Soulja Boy on August 23, 2008 at 7:10 pm said:

    jesse_yeeadig on August 23, 2008 at 12:51 am said:

    Solja boy shut the fuck upp u no u gayy !!!!! So y wuld any girl be on yer flab!!!! Getta life and stopp trina get popular!!!! With a wanna be sidekick!!! No body likes you!!!! And 75 thousand is nothing!!!! If u were any good ud be worth 496 thousand!!!!! Butt u aint worth shit!!!! Hahah not even that little ass 75gs!!!!! Go die in a ditch!!!!!

    B!tch how much ? worth ? faggit ass b!tch ? penny ? piece of shit and I came out with Crank Dat Soulja Boy and Soulja Girl and Get Silly so how am I a 1 hit wonder yea shut all ? fuck!n b!tches up real quick and 75,000 dollars is how much it cost 2 get me on track ? bumb ass dI©kh??d

    you’re a one hit wonder because you managed to get the whole country hyped up about one song until they looked up the meanings of the words. then you just got plain sick. never liked your music. i always punched the people who played soulja boy songs. YOUR songs. do us all a favor and get out of the music industry. better yet, get outta the country. you think you’re all that because you “gangstah” or whatever. gangsters are not cool. they’re retarded. you think you’re cool because maybe in the background you got a drug thing going on. all the more reason you should just dig yourself a grave and die. oh wait, you did, it was your first “hit” song Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em and now there are plenty of graves you could just lay down and die in all over the country. you’re just a worthless soul and i bet you’re going to try to get back at me just because i’m making fun of you. this isn’t making fun. this is stating facts and criticizing. and if you actually DO respond, it just proves every single fact i just said. Go Die. No One Cares About “Yoooouuuuuu” Any More.

    what da fuck u talkin bout i noe gantas n da only cold cause dumb bitches like u keep gettin in da way u is a stupid ass mother fucka cause if u say soulja boy face2face u wouldnt b sayin all dis shit u sayin now so jus shut da fuck up until u eva get as successful os soulja boy {like you will eva get as far as soulja boy you dumb shit}

    did you not SEE, much less READ my post!? “if you respond to this message, it just PROVES how STUPID you are”? well, i just wanna thank you for proving my point for me. peace.

  15. dude Says:

    it makes me laugh how stupid the majority of america’s so-called “young adults” are. and you guys wonder why adults hate on you. it would probably help if you typed and talked in full sentences, with words that are actually IN the english dictionary.

  16. Manny Says:

    What’s so funny is that he went on and on about it. If you just had the phone its no big deal, its a cool phone. But you said it was exclusive and that made you sound stupid. you’re already claiming to be hot sh**, are you so insecure that you have to make up a story for you’re phone so you can feel better about one more thing. You owe us an apology for being a douche.

  17. g-unit Says:

    tmail on August 23, 2008 at 5:32 am said:

    Dude im gettin muh xbox 360 elite sk08 limited edition tomorrow.


  18. g-unit Says:

    shit im 14 nd i make more a year than he duz
    fuck him

  19. g-unit Says:

    JayDub on August 30, 2008 at 8:25 am said:

    you talking about somebody singing in broken english, you’re too damn lazy to put a fuckin “a” in “and”. And if I’m not mistaken, I have seen not one period in your whole damn post. I don’t usually get on people about stupid stuff, but you’re criticizing him and you’re not even on your game.

    And I bet for those whole 2 weeks you was all in.

    no actully taht was the dumbest song ive ever heard

    it’s incredible how stupid it was

    it’s incredible how stupid YOU are

  20. Jjjj Says:

    Um Mister Soulja Boy i dont know about this it seems weird how its ONLY for you and not for the rest of the ppl who actually pay for a sk instead of having a company paying for it its just weird but yeah try selling it ima laugh at YOU! becuz i bet its just a regular Sk lx and u jus bought the beckround and sound to be like the 360 !

  21. zander canderin - not my real name Says:


    NO ONE LIKES YOU STUPID. THIS IS WHAT I CALL HIM STUPID soulja boy !!!!!! F U soulja boy !!!

  22. cumsucker Says:

    i have this sidekick so yeahhh..soulja boy is shit

  23. xobabygurlx23 Says:

    wow, you guys are wicked harsh. so what if it’s fake ; everyone does dumb things like that all the time ,get over it. and he is DEFINITLY not a one hit wonder. He has a whole bunch of new songs already out and more to come. So what if his music is annoying to you , other people like it ; it doesn’t have to have a real meaning it’s just something to get up and dance to and have a good time. . .no one said everyone had to like it apparently the thousands of people who bought his albums likes the music and like others have said he’s making more money than you will ever have in your lifetime so stop hating .

  24. michael Says:

    he runes hip hop ok he may make WAY more money thand me but all he do is say dis “SOulja boy tellem a ywejdnchhhfvhjjsks man arab were u at man i got my sikic L ehhh edition essss box free sicty ” and his raps suck even i could wright a beter rap all he do is repeat the same thing ova agen over some wack ass beet in shorts that start at his knees and shirts that my sister could were 4 a dress!!!!! i love rap & r&b but rappers and singas like solja bitch r makein it shit even kanye west turned 2 fake shit cuz of soulja bitch makeing it popular
    he ant even say sidekick lx right!!!!!!!!!!

    FuCk YoU sOuLjAbItCh!!!!!!!!!

  25. michael Says:

    g-unit on December 14, 2008 at 3:37 pm said:

    JayDub on August 30, 2008 at 8:25 am said:

    you talking about somebody singing in broken english, you’re too damn lazy to put a fuckin “a” in “and”. And if I’m not mistaken, I have seen not one period in your whole damn post. I don’t usually get on people about stupid stuff, but you’re criticizing him and you’re not even on your game.

    And I bet for those whole 2 weeks you was all in.

    no actully taht was the dumbest song ive ever heard

    it’s incredible how stupid it was

    it’s incredible how stupid YOU are

    i know right i talk ghetto but im not ignorent or sound like i am but this nigga cant even talk


  26. michael Says:

    yo name soulja boy or souljaboy tell em

    whats yo deal wit money gang!!!!!!!!!!!



  27. kevin Says:

    honestly since the original post of this video i’d say soulja boy is kinda sorta in a roundabout way proving he is more than a one album wonder oh and about half the page where they say its his first phone his first sidekick was a three and he kinda jumped ship unless he got the lx09 and hasnt let it be known yet he jumped ship about a year ago to the iphone anyone know if his tmail still active?

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